I always thought the business card left on the windshield or tucked into the drivers window which stated, "Hey, I noticed someone vandalized your car and put a 'Biden/Harris' sticker on it" was pretty funny. It makes the point, but no harm, no foul.
While there are always exceptions, the illiberals can dish it out, but cannot take it. When it comes to "free speech" the left always whines about it until they do not like the speech. Then it's offensive, or whatever triggered response they want to toss out, as a way to excuse their behavior. I had to share this (it was shared with me) because ... well ... I just had to.
This dude could not walk past a truck which had a "Let's Go Brandon" bumper sticker on it. So, in a Key Largo (I think) Winn-Dixie parking lot (think bucket loads of cameras) this New Yorker walks around a truck keying as he goes. The police body camera video picks up with the very polite officer finding our Biden supporter. Worth remembering: 1) over $1,000 of damage is a felony; 2) the truck owner pressed charges.
Added note: Just wait and watch for criminal's (I can say it because he admitted to the offense) wife and it was worth watching through to the end.