Preston Scott

Preston Scott

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Florida's Governor Shuts Down Race For White House

I admire anyone who considers a run for office. It's not for sissies.

That said, I also admire those who face reality (before announcing or later) and end the race when the outcome is clear. This isn't a sporting event where you finish regardless. This is politics and donor money matters.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made the announcement Sunday to end his campaign. It was the right choice. It came after a lot of money was spent trying to forge a path to victory. It was not going to happen.

This is not so much about me being correct as it is about political reality and my ability to better recognize it than DeSantis and his inner circle. My opinion on his decision likely cost me having him on the show, but I can live with it.

I have great respect and admiration for how he has governed Florida. However, a former President who millions believe was cheated of his rightful re-election and has been prosecuted (literally) by his Democrat political opponents IS running and Florida's Governor would have been wise to stay out of the race, finish his second term as governor and then make a run in 2028.

Donald Trump was not going to be beaten for the GOP nomination. Period.

Sadly, our political world is made up of "Always Trumpers" and "Never Trumpers" - both are wrong. That said, a Republican cannot win a nomination without the "Always" crowd. That is a political reality. Had DeSantis laid out this time around he could have easily won over all of the former without losing the latter. Should he run again in 2028 he has some credit with which to play.

As has been said for generations, better late than never.

Here's the Governor's announcement.

I also wanted to include Trump's announcement of the DeSantis departure from the race. Notice the tone. What happened to the venom? You can make all of the excuses you want about the former President being a "tough campaigner," this illustrates a character flaw in Trump and one I worry about.


I know, this announcement is the opposite of payback, but that's the point. So long as DeSantis is NOT running, he's a good man, etc. But if you dare disagree with Trump you are an enemy and that is a problem (one not going away). Still, he is clearly, and far and a away, the best option of all of the candidates.

What that says about our nation is a blog for another day.

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