Ever since I moved to Arizona as a child (1969) I have been fascinated by the "Wild West." Though I was driven past Tombstone exit of Interstate 10 dozens of times as a kid as my mom and my aunt traveled to shop in Nogales, Mexico, I had never been there until I drove from Tallahassee.
Yep, it took forty-five years of life and two-thousand miles of distance to finally visit the legendary town. I was not disappointed. But the shootout at the OK Corral, and all of the characters which make up the story, is just one small piece of the rich, colorful history of America as the country expanded west.
When I had the chance to interview Tom Clavin after the release of "Wild Bill" I jumped at it. Here was a prolific writer who happens to make history his focus. He will tell you he is not a historian, but his love of history and his ability to tell its story hooked me.
Let's just say there is a large portion of one shelf in my home office dedicated to the works of Tom.
The newest book (released November 7) tells the tale of the Dalton Gang.
Enjoy my visit with Tom Clavin as he discusses the infamous brothers, their equally famous kin, and the ending of an era of the American Wild West.