Israel missed the cues. The 50-year anniversary of the Yom Kippur war, the social media posts by Iran's leader, the massive movements and activity near its border along the Gaza strip. The result was, and is, a terrorist incursion into Israel which forced the nation to declare war on Hamas.
BTW: anyone see possible parallels to our southern border?
While war has not been declared by Israel against Iran, it might be useful for you to understand it could be a de facto state of war due to Iran's funding of Hamas. I want to give credit where creidt is due ... Joe Biden played a role in funding this attack with the recently paid $6 billion ransom to Iran. Biden, of course, claims the money can "only be used for humanitarian aid."
First, how, exactly, does Biden know how the money is used?; second, according Iran giving terrorists money to buy weapons is humanitarian aid; third, whatever.
I brought on my go-to on all subjects military, Dakota Wood of the Heritage Foundation, and he effectively outlined what you need to know in nine-minutes and forty-seconds.