It's not for a lack of desire.
My woodworking skills are humble. Not as lacking as my fishing prowess, but still I am far from accomplished. That said, I hold craftsmen in high regard. Men and women who can see it, whatever it may be, before they begin and then make it come to life.
You likely know this, but in case you don't, when you cruise through video aggragator sites like YouTube it will notice what you notice and keep popping up more and more things like that video clip you watched. So, as I was looking through woodworkers videos and came upon woodturning.
I have been fascinated by the skill forever...I mean how DOES someone make four identical turned table legs by hand? Seriously, it is ridiculous, and as I am scrolling through all the videos up pops Jack Mack Woodturning.
I was left speechless. I am going to post below the video which hooked me. Scrap wood and two-part epoxy turned into beautiful art (and yes, you can own it, at least it's still available). I am also going to do you the favor of linking you to his commercial web site. Yes, he is in the U.K. and shipping is, likely, a bit costly (thank you, Joe Biden...yeah, he did that), but who cares?
You will love the work Jack does and the simplicity of his videos.
You're welcome.