The "Marburg" virus. It is cousin to Ebola and it is deadly.
What if I told you that despite there being very few cases, centering in Ghana, an outbreak is being declared?
While we hear all of the noise about "Monkey Pox" (an allfiction almost completely limited to the gay male community) the effort is underway to alter, if not completely stop, the November elections in America. These efforts will allow the World Health Organization to seize greater control of nations around the globe, including the U.S.
We've seen this before. It was called the 2020 election when laws and state constitutions were tossed to the curb due to the "pandemic." We saw something else then, too. The FDA cleared the deck on treatments (Ivermectin, Hydroxchloroquine, etc.) so it could authorize EUA shots (never call them vaccines and did you know the actual FDA approved shots are still not, and will never be, in use?). The FDA had to do take the action because if it recommended other treatments it could not have allowed the shots. My bet is you will see the same even though there are simple, safe treatments for Marburg should it actually become an issue.
My return guest, Todd Callender, has been in the middle of litigation against the federal government throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and in the course of his lawsuits on behalf of service men and women he has come across information you need to hear.
Listen to him. Run it through your own filter of common sense.
Here are two sites you will want to save:
Please listen.