The science is not there . . . alternative sources of energy cannot compete with fossil fuels and nuclear energy. It's a fact. We are no where close to being able to live, thrive, and survive without fossil fuels. Maybe one day someone will crack the code to get us there, but it has not happened and is not happening anytime soon.
If the country went all-electric vehicle (and how will we get goods across the country?) we do not have enough power in the grid to charge them all (more on that in a moment).
Ever stood by a solar panel array? I mean a lot of them? Check the temperature of the air around the facility. Ever seen what is under the turbine propellers of a wind energy farm? Dead birds.
Take a minute and think about trucks traveling the country or anyone who travels a large region to make a living. Think about the buses which hit the Interstates bringing travelers across the country because the fares are more affordable. How much more time (which means cost) will be added because electric vehicles just cannot charge quickly? Consider the fastest charging options come with a huge energy load. Look into the cost and what is needed for a fast charger at your house for an electrice car or truck.
I could go on and on and on. But the Resident of The United States is bullying us into a "transition" to renewable energy sources. It's like telling someone to jump from a tall building into an inflatable platform which is not filled with any air.