Bradley Thomspon, Professor of Political Science at Clemson University, has given you a great gift. If you have kids it will be a gift which keeps on giving. The gift of knowledge. Since youngsters are not being taught thr truth about our founding, why the Framers chose a Constitutional Republic and capitalism over the oppressive systems offered elsewhere this is a treasure.
A short course on Marxism. It comes wrapped in many pretty promises
Karl Marx was an angry, twisted man and he used his bitterness to enlist others and create a "new" way of thinking. The result was Marxism. This video will educate in a few short minutes and provide a great launching pad for discussion and study.
Prager U writes, Everywhere Marxism has been tried, its left destruction and death in its wake. Yet Marxism lives. From environmentalism with its rejection of free markets to Critical Race Theory which sees white patriarchy as the source of all evil, you’ll find Marxism at its root.