It was inevitible.
It was a matter of time before people around the world came to grips with the fact you cannot stop a coroniavirus. I am so sorry to break the news to those who believed we could actually vaccinate our way out of the "pandemic."
You were, and are, wrong, but don't be too hard on yourself. It's not entirely your fault because you were echo-chambered into submission. Now that does not mean the vaccine has not helped some, but that number is very small and no one really knows just how much help (versus harm) was done. We also will never know how many people would have been spared death by allowing them to be treated early with all of the possible options.
I am forced to ask, though...
What does it say when a talk show host, me, is correct on the science and the "top infectious disease expert in America," Dr. Anthony Fauci, is wrong?
My "Just One Challenge" has yet to yield one call, not one person (or doctor, researcher) will go on the record to correct my assertions which are based on true science - a coronavirus cannot be stopped via shot or pill (it's never happened in history). That masks are all but useless.
Globally, people are over it all. Dave Rubin chronicles the latest below (Dave is, by the way, a former illiberal).
What I want to point out is that, while Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is showing the ruthless side of his father and Australian leaders are getting boxed into a corner, citizens are largely helpless. In most countries around the world the same is true, but not here in the United States of America.
Because the Founders of our great nation had the foresight to insure our ability to keep an over-zealous government in check. It's called the 2nd Amendment. Don't ever forget it. Our Founders were inspired by God (the God of the Bible) to insure we had something other nations did not allow...
A fighting chance if the worst ever came about.
On to the video. NOTE: There is one modest profanity (the full word for "BS") in the video.