I wish I could do better explaining all of the issues I have with the "pandemic." All of it. The entire arc of it.
I wish I could explain how so much science has been lost, how much damage the medical community has done to itself, how so many liberties have been taken, and how it has been leveraged to install a president and radically transform our nation.
I've failed on so many fronts. Not enough time (I know, I have five shows a week). Concern over driving people literally crazy. I've already been called a lot of different names for the information and opinions I have shared.
I'm just not able to do more than I have done. Sigh.
I have people demanding I "do more to stop what is happening to our nation." I am not whining when I say I feel like I have let so many people down. But I learned long ago to stay in my lane. When I get outside of what I believe I am called to do I get in trouble. I think God gives us a special dispensation of grace, favor, etc. to do what we are supposed to do and when you get outside those assignments...well, we are on our own.
I try to be focused on what I can do.
So, to that end I will share what one of my research assistants sent to me. I play some of this on my show Monday, September 20th. Clay Travis and Buck Sexton took a call from "Paul, in Toronto." This caller has been on Rush Limbaugh's program a few times which means he got through Bo Snerdley. Do I know if Paul from Toronto (he later stated he is an American based doctor) is an expert? Nope. However, he sure does sound like someone who knows what he is talking about.
I think it's worth a listen.
Go here and listen and follow along with the printed transcript of the call.