I have gotten a lot of email from listeners who love our new Friday morning start to the show. I'm doing the normal 6/17/63 segment where we do a short Biblical devotion, but I added something on Friday.
A few weeks ago, to end the week and launch the weekend on a positive, encouraging note, I decided to share what I listen to and this week I shared a newer TobyMac song, "Help Is On The Way."
Toby was a founding member of DC Talk and when the group split up years ago to seek new opportunities he forged a path in which God has favored him to be one of the most listened to artists (Christian or mainstream) in the world. But Toby has endured some enormous personal tragedy and his music reflects it.
I have a real love for this guy and I am a huge fan of his music and style.
In response to the question on where I listen to Christian music, the answer will surprise you - iHeart Radio. Get the app and type in any artists you enjoy. Chances are there is a channel with their music and artists like them.