Alan Jones is hated by illiberals in his native Australia and around the world. Of course, that means we love him. He has the perfect blend of facts, truth, wite, and snarkyness (is that a word?).
While we are all being abused by the U.S. federal government, run by Democrats, clamping down on our civil rights with unscientific, immoral COVID mandates Gorebal Warming activists inside Congress and the President are busy jamming spending and policy bills which will usher in the Green New Deal.
This offers some worthy listening on the topic which is very relevent, topical, and current. Alan Jones, a radio host and Sky News Australia host, has a sit down with a climate expert who has a different view of the alarmism.
Remember, the dire predictions, when they do NOT come true (think every single prediction in "Inconvenient Truth") are always pushed down the road.