I said on January 7th, the day after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, we would learn more by what the media does NOT cover versus what it does. In other words - if the narratvie was unflattering to illiberals, Klantifa, etc. things would get very quiet with the exception of arrests of anyone supporting Donald Trump. That would be news.
I have been proven 100% correct.
While the new President sits silently as violence escalates in the western states of the nation the effort to blame Trump supporters for the violence on January 6th continues. There is video of members of the Capitol Police opening gates, doors, and otherwise allowing protesters inside the complex. Who are they and what does their social media reveal about them? Just some of questions needing answers.
The NYT and WaPo have stated Trump did not incite the violence and the timeline of videos each news outlet have analyzed prove the breech began before President Trump even ended his speech at the rally. Additionally, it has been discovered the plan for the unrest began weeks before.
Did Trump supporters enter the Capitol illegally? Yes. Without a doubt they did, but there are others involved and the media is ignoring those stories...for example this guy. John Sullivan.
The effort is underway to ignore, at worst, or explain away, at best, Sullivan. But there's more to John Sullivan and his participation in the events on January 6th.