The rage has been evident and unrivaled.
Illiberals and the media hates many of us because we chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. A few hate us because we chose an outsider versus an insider. The core of it is that illiberals, and their mainstream media (MSM) cohorts, just hate...period.
In the time following President Trump's election in November 2016 a young man named Brandon Straka, a gay, card carrying Democrat, and professional model had his world shattered. In the wake of it all he came to realize that much of the MSM is made up of liars with an agenda. The agenda is about control, power, and, of course, money. Brandon's awakening was hurtful to him personally as he began to see and hear the distortions, twists, and outright falsehoods.
Out of his despair was born the #WalkAway Campaign.
It's been two years.
Two years of changing minds, awakenings, and, most importantly, two years of tens of thousands of others walking away, too. Some have walked away becoming an independent (like me); others a libertarian, and still others Republicans. Where one goes is not the point. It's leaving, getting out of Dodge, parting company from those with bad character (just like mom used to tell us). It's walking away and not looking back.
The MSM and illiberals want to pretend it's all a lie. "No one is leaving the Democrat party," they exclaim. Yeah, right.
Just remember 2016. The polls, the reports, the stories all said the same thing - Clinton can't lose. The MSMers will do all they can to convince you Trump cannot win reelection and that Biden is steamrolling him in poll after poll.
Don't you believe it. They are wrong. Look at the map of counties Trump won over Clinton in 2016. Keep in mind, the media outlets are doing all they can to spin this storyline. The MSM is wrong.
Wong, in part, because people who support the President (though not EVERYthing he says or does) know better than to take part in rigged polling. Wrong because most of America just does not think as MSM does (which explains its demise). And wrong because it refuses to take into account all of those chose to #WalkAway.