Sources are telling me the next two weeks will be tough, so know that in advance and set your mind to it. There is some research suggesting that the virus' impact reduces by 80% on those who wear masks. The theory is based on preliminary studies which indicate any virus microbes are simply not taken into the body as deeply due to the mask.
A couple thoughts...
- There are all kinds of DIY approaches to this topic. There are also enhancements...tissues inside of bandanas for added filtration, etc.
- When trying to disinfect any of the surgical facemasks just know the BEST method appears to be heat for 30 minutes. Using an alcohol spray pretty much negates the masks ability to about 5%. Washing does about the same. Steaming the same. Based on what I have researched (disclaimer: this is the best advice I have found it is not a guarantee). Heating your mask in the oven for 158 degrees for 30 minutes kills attached virus and allows the mask to still perform. However, it is not known how many times you can do this process and still maintain an effective mask.
Given that a bandana is NOT a surgical mask using electrostatic and an intricate weave pattern to stop virus microbes, I am guessing good old hot water would be the best way to clean. How to administer that is up to you.
I hope this helps if you cannot find surgical masks.