A Democratic member of Congress, Rep. Al Green, told MSNBC back in May that he was "concerned if we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected."
It's really that simple. Green merely admitted what has been obvious since the unlikely November 2016 election of Donald Trump as President of the United States.
The effort to impeach President Donald Trump since his selection and has not relented. Yesterday, November 12, 2019 Democrats began the theatrical presentation of "The Impeachment Inquisition of President Donald Trump." Rep. Adam Schiff was soaking up all of the lights, cameras, and attention like the Kardashians. He was loving it...really loving it as he made his opening statement. A statement which established the proceeding as not an inquiry, but a show.
However, the smug demeanor began to slowly change when House Intelligence Committee Ranking Minority Member Rep. Devin Nunes got his ten minutes. Nunes brilliantly laid out the chronology of the political sideshow. You can watch it here.
One of the most sophisticated and shrewd moves Republicans have made in years was when a member of the Intelligence Committee "sprained his ankle" and made way for the GOP to appoint bulldog Rep. Jim Jordan as a replacement. Jordan was turned loose to question the lead witness for the Democrats, Acting U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, William Taylor. This may go down in the annals of history as a classic example of how to "cross-examine" a witness.