A couple of years ago I decided to step in for public school teachers who can no longer lead their students in prayer or read a verse of scripture. I called it the "6/17/63 Segment" named for the dubious Supreme Court ruling on the date.
No matter how you look at it our nation is heading the wrong way and while every scurries around trying to analyze why I flatly assert it's because we are becoming a Godless nation. Our children are not being raised to live a life of faith in Christ. Too many church pastors are teaching a false gospel and leading people astray in order to win congregants. This isn't debatable. It's happening and the evidence is everywhere - IF you have the courage to see it.
As a result I decided to devote fifteen minutes to really challenging (and sharing how to meet the challenge) parents to engage their kids in matters of faith and being a Christian.
Not everyone was pleased.
Come on Preston! What are you doing? Save the religious crap for Sunday. I have tolerated your repeated uber- religiousness in the past but no longer. You have lost a listener.
Sincerely, Jake
I truly feel bad for Jake. Every single core issue we face as a nation traces its way back to our loss of morality. Consider that just a few decades ago young men would drive to school and their rifles or shotguns would be in the back of their trucks or trunk of their cars. No one thought a thing of it. People have always had access to guns. Lots of them. The issue is not guns (and most of you know it), it's people and it comes back to right and wrong.
Today there seems to be little beyond oneself. We are self-centered like never before and Jake is blinded to it. "Saving the religious crap for Sunday" is exactly how we got where we are and I will do what I can to help reverse the trend. To do anything less would be an affront to my faith in Christ.
This morning I brought in my pastor, Marshall Ochs of Red Hills Church. I think this can make a difference.