Meet J.P. Krucker. He seems to be an aviation enthusiast who lives next to a lake. So, he has combined his love of both and created...well, created...flying boats.Technically, these things have different names like the gyro-trike or hang-glider ultra-light. In fact, the latter is on another YouTube clip and I think it is inherently safer because it has a large hang-glider wing which would allow you the chance of gliding in case of engine failure.
If this gyro loses it's "helicopter" lift capability I am not so certain of a happy landing (I know helicopter pilots will disagree, but I stand by my concern).
He controls the throttle (not sure about his lift throttle, could be the same) with his right foot, angle and amount of lift, along with turns, using the sway bar in his hands. He has mastered flying with this creation.
Either way, this is flat cool. Enjoy!