I have no clue how many tax dollars got wasted on the now, infamous, Mueller investigation. Tens, hundreds of millions?
2,800 subpoenas…almost 500 search warrants. And what came of it?
The report says, “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
Of course, it doesn’t because it was never the goal to exonerate the President. For two years Bob Mueller and his team of biased, predisposed attorneys and investigators tried to hang anything, repeat ANYthing on President Donald Trump. What they did find was some white-collar crime which has nothing to do with President Trump, Russian collusion, etc.
It's important to remember the Russians have likely been trying to "influence" every election since 1948 when Truman defeated Dewey. Oh, and the U.S. government has done the same all over the world since the founding of the nation. It's what nations do.
At every turn – from the testimony of disgraced former Trump attorney Michael Cohen to the grand standing arrest of Roger Stone we have been assured the hard evidence was coming. News outlets, entertainers, athletes, et al tried to keep the flame burning...keep hope alive.
The pay off?
A Friday afternoon media dump. A tactic to bury a story. It's an old trick in an attempt to get a story as little attention as possible. Obviously, it backfired. The mainstreamers had promised so much, so often they all leapt at the release of the report. But, the Friday Dump itself is a story and it's worth noting the Mueller team (and their Democrat co-conspirators) tried.
Now I want to know when we will have a serious look at Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and how this entire investigation got it’s shadowy start. The Deep State is alive and well and operating wherever Barack Obama has a phone or WiFI.