UPDATE: My goal is $2500 by October 13. I am at about 50% of the goal and shooting for more, if possible. But, I need you. Please give what you can...check out the links to the PHI Center.
This is one of those rare occasions I ask for your help. To dig deep and spare five, ten, twenty bucks...whatever you can in order to make a tangible difference by helping to save, literally save, babies.
The Pregnancy Help and Information Center (PHI Center) began serving the community in 1974. A group of clergy who wanted to provide loving support to pregnant women who felt alone or unsafe began by providing diapers and advice to women who needed help. Being open over 40 years has allowed us to expand our services in an effort to better serve the women, men, and children who need us and now we provide hundreds of classes, ultrasound, pregnancy testing, knowledgeable and compassionate support, and all kinds of material assistance like diapers, baby clothes, maternity clothes, and more. And where we can’t provide assistance we can connect people to the people and places who can.
Everything at the PHI Center is available at no cost to our clients, but that doesn’t mean it’s free. The community cares and it’s proven by the donations we receive from people, organizations and businesses to operate. Those donations allow us to keep a highly trained and deeply compassionate staff available to serve the community, as well as providing all the diapers, etc. our clients receive. Not only that, we have wonderful volunteers who give their time and their hearts to make sure people who need help can receive it.
Please GO HERE and give what you can. The drive ends October 12th.