When did confirmation hearings turn into exams?
When Bill Clinton nominated Ruth Bader-Ginsburg for the U.S. Supreme Court, each and every Republican in the Senate knew she was a political liberal. But, they also knew she was eminently qualified for selection. She was confirmed by a vote of 93-6.
What's the likely vote for Brett Kavanaugh? My hunch is 54-45, give or take a vote either way.
Still, it did not stop N.J. Senator Corey Booker (D) from making a total horse's rear end out of himself.
There is no clearer indication of the poison coursing through the veins of Democrats and their illiberal minions than the sheer numbers because Kavanaugh, like Ginsburg, is eminently qualified. Don't take my word for it, check out the opinion of a self-described female, liberal feminist attorney.
This is why the next election is incredibly important. With socialism on the upswing as the new, trendy (and failed) political philosophy and with Florida's governor's race having an extreme illiberal endorses by socialists and funded largely by socialists - the stakes are high.
But, back to the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearings...or have it become an exam?
Used by special permission granted by A.F. Branco.