There was a time Bill Nye was cool. Then, due to his celebrity, the alleged "Science Guy" became a proponent of the greatest scam in history. One which would make P.T. Barnum blush. Gorebal Warming.
Do you notice how Al Gore has been more absent than Howard Hughes recently? It happens every winter. It happens when winter lingers, when ice piles up, when Green Bay gets two feet of snow in mid-April. It happens when NASA numbers show the greatest DROP in temperature in the last century occurred in the last two years (02/2016-02/2018) when global temps dropped .57 degrees Celsius.
It happens when his "settled science" is shown, once again, to be a fraud.
One of Gore's leading Ministers of Misery, Bill Nye, has offered another ridiculous proposal. Of course, it comes in the form of a tax. He wants to tax cow farts.
I hope you are laughing. He's not.