School is back today; complaints of too much security
Enough is ENOUGH!
Never AGAIN!
Some of the slogans from Parkland protesters. But, now it's time to go back to school (I guess the season of political protesting is done). Yes, political. Most of these students were used, repeat used, by Democrats and illiberals to advance a political agenda.
Most had no interest in safer schools and actions taken at Stoneman-Douglas High since February's shooting have proved my point. Check out the latest from...wait for it...CNN. Yes, CNN. Better read it before they take the story down. The story offers up the complaint - the school now feels like a prison.
I had to pause to get past early lines in the story...
First, the complaint of how tough school is, follow by the dread. You see, to the young political operatives it apparently was never about school safety or they would be embracing the necessary changes to keep their school safer. I will not submit they were knowledgeable accomplices in the political fight...just accomplices. Too many students allowed their understandable emotions to be taken advantage of while pushing out any voice which did not fit the narrative they were guided to recite.
Meanwhile, there is a very real attack on our 2nd Amendment. The consequences illustrated below.
“March For Our Lives” doesn’t seem to care about all the lives saved by people owning Guns. It doesn’t fit their repeal the 2nd Amendment agenda. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2018. Used by Permission.