If I Were You Voting in State, Bay County, and Tallahassee

I have been deluged with email from listeners with a sense of near panic, wondering how they ought to vote. I'll admit, I was a little perturbed initially, "Hey, maybe listen to my show more often!" was my reaction. But, my wife (always a voice of reason and calm) reminded me that not everyone can listen to every hour of every show (even though I think you should). Also, I am grateful so many value my opinion on these important matters.

So, I am relenting. Here's how I think you ought to vote.

I am not going to go through an exhaustive list of reasons and explanations. After all, that IS why I do a radio program. But let me begin with one simple admonition: If you are a Christian, refusing to vote dishonors God and, in essence, spits on His decision to have born or naturalized as a citizen of this country. It's been described as passive rebellion against God.

One of two candidates will win the White House. Both are flawed, just like you and me, but one of them is going in and with them will be all they stand for and we have a record for both. We know what they believe. Make all the excuses you want and try your best to justify it, failing to vote is a pathetic surrender of a right hundreds of thousands have died to obtain and preserve for you.

I will weigh-in on the State Supreme Court Justice retentions ... Yes, to both. The two up for retention are solid jurists and were correct on Amendment 4 (both did not believe it belonged on the ballot). Remember, it's the guys on the bench who let this thing get voted on. Stupid.

Oh, and Bay County is voting on the continuation of the half-cent surtax. My dear friends of Bay County ... Please retain this .05 cent added tax. Not only is it a painless way to keep infrastructure projects from gouging the local pocketbooks, it allows visitors to Bay County to chip in whenever they shop. It is a consumption tax and it is the smartest, most equitable form of taxation. Why do you think the State of Florida is so economically strong? It has a consumption tax, NOT a personal income tax. Vote Yes!

On to the ballot Tallahassee Charter changes and State Contitutional Amendments.

Tallahassee Charter Amendments

City Charter Amendment Question 1Charter Amendment Addressing the Salaries of City Commissioners

Shall the Charter of the City of Tallahassee be amended to provide that members of the City Commission be paid an annual salary equal to the annual salary set by state law for members of the Board of County Commissioners of Leon County, Florida?


City Charter Amendment Question 2: Charter Amendment Expanding Jurisdiction of the Independent Ethics Board

Shall the Charter of the City of Tallahassee be amended to provide that the Tallahassee Independent Ethics Board has jurisdiction over members of the City Commission when they are serving as board members of outside governmental agencies by reason of their city commission roles?


City Charter Amendment Question 3Charter Amendment to Resolve Two-Candidate Elections at the General Election

Shall the Charter of the City of Tallahassee be amended to provide that if only two candidates, neither of whom is a write-in candidate, qualify for the same seat on the City Commission, the names of those candidates will appear on the general election ballot instead of the primary election ballot?


City Charter Amendment Question 4Charter Amendment to Provide for Periodic Review of the Charter

Shall the Charter of the City of Tallahassee be amended to require the City Commission to convene a charter review committee and conduct a review of the Charter every ten years, beginning in June 2033?


City Charter Amendment Question 5Charter Amendment to Define the Role of the Inspector General

Shall the Charter of the City of Tallahassee be amended to define the role of the Inspector General by charter rather than by ordinance?

No (We don't need more local government employees)

State Constitutional Amendments (short version, not exact ballot language)

Amendment 1 Changes school board elections from nonpartisan to partisan beginning in the November 2026 general election and for primary elections nominating party candidates for the 2026 election

Either (Seriously...local parties make this irrelevent, but I will vote "No" because it doesn't belong in the State Constitution)

Amendment 2 Provide for a state constitutional right to hunt and fish

Yes (FWC can still regulate, but this preserves this right in case some wacko becomes governor)

Amendment 3 Legalize the recreational or personal use of marijuana

No (This will create a monopoly for one company; there really is no "personal use" because it impacts anyone and everryone near the user; it will increase crime as it has in other states; in will increase deaths on Florida's roadways - currently 1/4 of all traffic fatalities involve someone high on weed; it will increase drug addiction; it will harm young people whose brains are impacted by marijuana exposure, let alone use ... One last thing, Donald Trump is 100% wrong about A3, perhaps he is touring the country and doesn't really know the details about who wrote this bill and the real reason why)

Amendment 4 Provide for a state constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability

No (The language says "No law shall prohibit..." and that alone turns this into unrestricted abortion access with no limits, viability is not defined, health of the mother is not defined, and healthcare provider is not defined; and lastly this amendment strips parents of their rights by eliminating the current required permission for a minor daughter to get an abortion, which is no small thing since parents must consent to a kid getting a Tylenol at school ... this is a legal trainwreck and immoral ... it has no business codified in our constitution)

Amendment 5 Provide for an annual inflation adjustment for the value of the homestead property tax exemption


Amendment 6 Repeal a constitutional provision providing for public campaign financing for candidates who agree to spending limits

Yes (There is zero reason for candidates to access tax dollars to run for office)

Here is a source of voter guides in Florida, including judicial.

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