The M.A.D. Radio Network's Latest Project For Good - Want To Take Part?

Friends, there is a scripture which offers a simple principle: Galatians 6:9 (ESV) And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 

For context, when I started this radio program on March 18, 2002 I ended each show with the words "Make a difference." It was a simple little challenge which eventually gave way to trying to create ways to literally, actually make a difference.

I will not go through all of the projects, but my guess is somewhere north of a quarter of a million dollars has been raised through our little show and that money has gone all over the world. That figure does not even count the numberless times we have promoted events which have benefited causes near and far.

I have never lost sight of the fact that every breath in my lungs is a gift from God. The Morning Show with Preston Scott is His. The sustained favor it has received is to the glory of God. It is my joyful job to magnify Him, make known His Son, Jesus, and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide me in that endeavor. I use the news of the day, my own life experiences, and the Bible ... oh, and a microphone.

With all sincerity I believe this latest effort is inspired by God. Make a difference is the mission of the M.A.D. Radio Network. I decided to use the acronym M.A.D. to make fun of the stereotype of conservative talk radio. A bunch of angry geriatrics blathering on and on.

I may be old(ish), but I am far from an angry guy and making a difference expresses my heartfelt desire to help others. The "Thank You" card project came about because I felt like there needed to be a way of recognizing terrific customer service because it is lacking, if not rare and exceedingly so.

The idea is to hand out specially designed cards to any customer service worker who offers exemplary effort, goes the extra mile. There is some other guidance for the program, but that comes via a note directly from me when you decide to take part.

The cards have a QR code which, when scanned, take the recipient to a special audio file with a message from me. The goal is to encourage them and, by extension, others (trust me, they will show it to their co-workers, managers, and friends).

Now the ask ... Do you want to take part? It doesn't matter where you live, this project travels well.

Send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I will send you twenty (20) cards.

The Morning Show with Preston Scott

c/o iHeart Media

325 John Knox Rd. Bldg. G

Tallahassee, FL 32303

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