My Best (And Worst) of The Week!

Each Friday the final hour of the show is different than the rest of the week.

Of course, it is useful to note I do my best to diversify the content all week along, but by the end of the week even I need a break. Talk radio has come along way from the farm and weather reports of days gone by, but at the same time how much can we all take, right? I think it was after the re-election of Barack Obama I made the cognitive decision to deviate from standard fare daily, to try and find content, as often as possible, to mix things up. That's when I really fine-tuned the "audio magazine" format.

Out of it came features like "Animal Stories," "Stupid Criminal Stories," "Florida Man," "The Manly Minute," and more. I (along with our team of research assistants) also look for offbeat stories, and topics, which lower the blood pressure instead of raise it.

One of the added weekly elements is when Jose and I offer our "Best and Worst" of the week. It could be something in the news, our personal lives, or anything we observe. This week my worst was college athletic conference realignment. I hate it. It's all stupid. The "Atlantic Coast Conference" now has teams on the Pacific coast and Texas. In what world does that make sense? The answer ... today's world.

But my best in the week is right here ... it's a YouTube short and I cannot stop watching. It's simply a dog (how in the world did they get this little guy/gal to stay still) getting the spa treatment. It's brilliant - from the sound to the "smile" on the dog's face yes, that is a smile). And I looove it when the eyes roll back when the ears get the treatment.

So, without fuirther ado, here's my best of the week.

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