Mr. Bean Responds To UK Losing Its Mind (and Free Speech)

The United Kingdom has lost its collective mind and it is due to the problem I predicted in March 2002 - political correctness. (BTW: That very sentence could get me charged, yes as an American, and extradited.) The PC culture has evolved though and is now captured in the word "woke" or "wokeness." The left, illiberals, and many Democrats hate the word and bristle when it is applied to their ideals. Yet, if you think about it a number of things which which plague our nation (and the UK) can be traced to political correctness (aka wokeness).

Global warming, climate change, climate ... well, you get the idea. It was claimed to be "settled science." We are supposed to ignore that none (yeah, zip, zero, zilch, not one) of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth(s)" happened. Not one. Scientists, climatologists, geologists, and anyone else with a brain who speaks out against the orthodoxy of "Gorebal Warming" is cancelled or censored.

This continued with COVID. It happened to me. I got my show's page banned on Facebook (and iHeart in trouble) even though I posted factual truth. The same can be said of the alphabet world and its effort take literally every letter and use it to identify some fringe group or take control of more and more months on the calendar, not just June (and I am not surrendering it).

And I am just scratching the surface of how the PC culture has infected our society and freedoms.

Rest assured, contrary to claims of tolerance, etc ... wokeness is defined by the opposite - intolerance. Of late, England has become the home of the most bizarre examples of censorship and arrests for speech I have ever seen or heard of in my lifetime.

It has come to the point where Mr. Bean, yes actor and comedian Rowan Atkinson, has come forward to address the problem and, in doing so, may have opened the door for his arrest as well.

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