Dogs Are Smart

I have long admitted ... I love dogs.

I will take a dog ninety-nine times out of a hundred and the one time I wouldn't I still would not take a cat.

That is not to say I am ever mean to a feline, au contraire, because as a rule I am kind to animals (unless they want to eat me, then it's no holds barred ... me or them). I will always allow a cat to come up to me and I will give them a little attention, but I am a dog guy. I was raised with dogs and could tell you the names of each dog in my lifetime, including dogs I was too young, little to remember (Chief and Major - one blind, the other deaf - Dalmations).

If you are a cat lover and not a fan of dogs you are dismissed from this blog. I have a long history of blogging about dogs with "Olive and Mabel" being the most frequent subject of my posts.

However, if you love canines, as I do, then this is for you because you will get answers to deep, abiding questions. Like, "Does my dog really have feelings for me, love me, or is just because they associate my presence with food, treats, and attention?" In the course of discovering answers you will meet a dog named "Chaser," a Border Collie who was called the "smartest dog in the world." The piece from 60 Minutes (I know) is ten years old, but well worth the watch.

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