What Happened When A Tallahassee Squatter Was Confronted By Police

Let's set the stage for this blog entry. The "encounter" is from 2021 and it illustrates what was, and is, happening across the country. Squatters. People who attempt (at times succeed) in taking someone's resident or property.

I cover these stories on the show.

One of a gazillion reason why New York is one of the cesspools of this nation is its handling of squatters. In its many absurdities is squatters in New York enjoy the rights of a tenant/property owner in thirty (yes 3-0 days!). People have come home from extended trips abroad for work or leisure and lost their home or apartment. The chore of getting it back is long, expensive, and not always victorious.

Arizona may join New York unless the state lawmakers override a veto (which breaks my heart as a former Arizonan). The Grand Canyon State's Governor, Katie Hobbs, just vetoed a bill which would have been similar to Florida's recently signed into law legislation. Here, the new law terminates any semblance of "squatter's rights." Other than basic human rights, as it relates to taking over someone else's home, apartment, or land, in Florida, squatters have no rights. None.

Good. They should not be afforded protections because they have no legal standing in the form of a lease, rental, or purchase agreement. They often prey on families who lost a loved one and that person's residence is vacant for a while. As mentioned earlier it could be work, other times it's a vacation. It doesn't matter.

The issue was a legislative priority of mine this past year because of the stories I read, researched, and followed. I didn't want the problem in Florida and now, thanks the lawmakers and Governor Ron DeSantis, we don't.

But I want you to see how outrageous these people are, how entitled and how dangerous. This illustrates the dangers to workers and, of course, police (in this case Tallahassee Police). God bless them!

And then there is the perp, the squatter ... bless her heart. She is in the back row of the slow learners class because she just did not comply. At all. She drops all of the typical racist garbage out of her mouth, the wailing, slobbering, resistance, etc. But in all of her drama queen antics she forgeot about the bonus crack pipe.

What you are about to watch predates the law in the Sunshine State. It merely illustrates part of the problem ... dealing with the entitled squatters. BTW: I also want you to notice how a bystander (accomplice?) was screaming police brutality, that the officer was "choking her!" when nothing of the kind was happening.

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