The Super Bowl Ad They Could Have Made

I spent some time Wednesday on the show discussing "He Gets Us" which is a campaign which may, or may not, have good intentions. You know what is said about good intentions and its pathway? It leads to hell.

The messaging is a watered down series of half-truths and God's Word (aka The Bible) frowns on such things. Pointing people to the fact that Jesus loves everyone is a truth, not reminding people of the need to leave their sins behind (you know, "Go and sin no more?) is the other half of the message and it is ultimately deceptive to leave it out.

Like too many churches today, "He Gets Us" wants people to be comforted, but not challenged and confronted. Jesus' words about bringing division is not compatible with the kumbaya vibe this campaign wants to portray. It's left out, among many other important teachings, the idea of taking up our own cross daily.

Good news, someone took the time to make an ad which would have been a better representation of the Gospel message. By the way, even many of today's "modern" translations or interpretations of the Bible are rubbish. Choose wisely. I recommend the ESV.

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