Can A Non-Pilot Land A 737?

As a guy who loved to fly (as in with me in the left seat and yes, I have soloed) I have often considered the "what if" possibilities. Clearly, I am not alone. Like me, Tom Scott (no relation), is not a pilot. He indicates that, unlike me, he has no actual flight experience.

By making a deal, Tom gained access to an actual training flight simulator for a Boeing 737 and went through two different circumstances. I loved watching this and, yes, technology is this advanced. In fact, private aviation now offers (standard in some planes, optional in others) something called "Safe Land." It goes by different names by different manufacturers and I cannot wait for this be an option on any plane with an auto pilot.

For example: say you are flying with a spouse or a buddy and the pilot loses consciousness ... push the button and the plane finds the nearest safe airport, lands itself and comes to a complete stop and, oh by the way, makes a 911 call at the same time.

If you are the passenger who has never flown, you are safely back on terra firma. If you are a pilot facing a medical emergency, you have a chance. This is incredible tech now in aviation. But for this video, Mr. Scott has the awesome chance to experience the advancements first-hand and because of the video you can, too.

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