U.S. Senator's Smug Questioning Met With Truth and A Smile

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, (D-RI), questioning a Heritage Foundation expert in the Senate Budget Committee, just should have known better. Typical of the arrogant illiberal left, Whitehouse thought he had all the ammo he needed to gut any testimony offered by Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment at Heritage Foundation.

His tactic was to try and connect Heritage positions on Gorebal Warming, etc. to big oil money and specific high profile donors.

It backfired.

Ms. Furchtgott-Roth, a very smart lady, did her research (economists do that) and knew her questioner. It would appear that Sen. Whitehouse comes from major money connected to the natual gas industry (ironic). It also has been reported that he is a member of a "white-only" beach club.

She noted both with truth and a smile.

As you watch and listen to questioning and her testimony pay attention to the following: Furchtgott-Roth's demeanor and smile, the factual breakdown of donors to Heritage, his frustration that her facts do not fit his distortion efforts, and his lack of any kind of pithy, cheap shot at the end. Senators on both sides like to end with something when they think they have scored a win.

He didn't. He had nothing left to say. He made no point.

The truth won, with a smile, and it was fun to watch.

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