Beating Squatters At Their Own Game

Let's get this asked up front ... why in the world is it so hard to remove squatters?

The story usually goes something like this - someone inherits a parent's land and/or home, or the property owner leaves on an extended trip. Squatters move in, change the locks, and that is that. When the rightful owner comes back the squatter simply waits out the court process and, on occasion, actually gets ownership of the property.

No. I am NOT kidding.

It's happening all over the country and, for the life of me, I cannot figure out why lawmakers do not make a law which states simply: the property remains in the hands of the property owner and their descendents until or unless? You add the typical language dealing with failure to pay a mortgage, property taxes (which ought to be abolished), etc. Done. Over. Complete.

If you go on a trip around the world and someone "squats" they are not-only arrested and thrown in jail, they must pay restitution. If you inherited property and never got around to see it in years, but you maintained your property related bills, HOAs, etc. the same applies. This isn't complicated.

Sadly, in too many cases the law can do nothing and when it can, it can take years. That wasn't acceptable to this guy who decided to learn from what has happened around the nation and employ a new strategy. It's genius.


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