The Real Climate Crisis

As many of you know, I could literally go on and on about how Al Gore's invention, "Gorebal Warming," has been proven false over and over and over. Every prediction in his movie, "Inconvenient Truth" (remember, "settled science"), was wrong and not only has not happened, none were even close to happening.

I could explain how the temperature reading centers, domestically and globally, are compromised with most being in placed where they would give increased temps (like the asphalt tops of downtown buildings next to AC units). I could detail the population explosion of polar bears (remember Gore's tearful expose' of that bear clinging to the small chunk of ice? The photographer who took the picture told media outlets the bear was playing and in no distress). The polar caps with ice, some expanding (Al promised the ice would all be gone).

I mean, people, I am just warming up (a little Gorebal Warming humor there, get it ... heh, heh, heh).

The issue is we do have a climate crisis ... but it has nothing to do with temperatures. It has to do with how phoney climate claims are impacting our energy choices and how those choices are now fast becoming a crisis.

Please, because your kids are being targeted, share this with the family and have a talk.

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