Fix Fatherlessness, Fix America . . . Is The Recipe That Simple?

This is one of those issues where we know that what is going wrong in our country can be helped by addressing and fixing a singular problem, but getting our arms around the problem is tough.

It's hard because our PC culture just does not want to hear it. The pressure to conform to an American culture where there is no longer a "normal" is immense. Think about it - single-parent homes. Notably, homes without a dad.

Who wants to have that discussion?

Of course, I have had it for twenty plus years on this show, but where else? Most churches do not want to talk about it. Elected officials will only discuss through the lens of political correctness. Start talking about the absence of dads and the LGBTQ+ "community" sabre rattle and redefine what "family" means.

But as is presented below in a little over six minutes - the stats are overwhelming.

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