Can You Help Make A Difference? Twenty-For-50 Club

Perhaps you, your business have been blessed. You can join with others and a small monthly gift can make a huge difference in the life of others.

Let me share a story.

Years ago I decided to establish a scholarship at a Florida state college. Like all state colleges Tallahasssee Community College serves students in a region and around the country who choose to come here for whatever the reason. For some it is a springboard to FSU or FAMU and for others it is a path to a career or a better one.

There are students who students who get scholarships, students who receive Pell grants, take out loans, etc. I wanted to help students who really did not fall into any of those categories. I devised a scholarship for students who are working their way through school. Literally.

When it comes to doling out the scholarship I have no say in the selection - just the criteria.

There are students, in all walks of life and in all age groups, who generally do not want the burden of debt, who didn't sit at the top of their class and get the scholarship money. The students I am talking about work and, because they do, are not able to qualify for grants because they make too much money (even though they really don't make much at all). These are good, hard working students who need a little help.

These are people who demonstrate their determination by working hard while going to school. They are the type of people you would want to help, the kind you would want to hire.

The WFLA Scholarship is explained on the webpage very succinctly.

WFLA - Working For Limitless Achievement Scholarship

TCC Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students who are employed and ineligible for funding as determined by the Federal Government. 


- Must be a currently working student

- Not receiving the Bright Futures Scholarship

- Ineligible for PELL grant funding as determined by a currently submitted FASFA

- Only eligible for subsidized loans

Here's where you and I come in...this fund has been giving out $500 scholarships for years. We raised about $12,000 at its inception and have never replenished it. I want to make a change, but I cannot do it alone. I want to raise $12,000 per year and give out $1000 scholarships at a time, six each semester (or four if we fund the summer semester). One-thousand dollars goes a long way at a state college in Florida.

If we do not have enough candidates apply or selected the money just rolls over. The ultimate goal would be to endow this scholarship over the years.

Will you consider giving $50 (or more) a month and commit for at least a year? It is tax deductible. If twenty people give fifty dollars a month we can raise twelve thousand dollars a year. The more people who jump in, the quicker we can get to an endowed level, but that is not a primary concern...Twenty-For-50 is the goal.

The link to the scholarship page is here (scroll down to WFLA).

If you want to be one of the twenty you can write me at for directions or go here.

  • select the amount
  • under "Designation" please hit the drop down menu and pick "Other" then type in WFLA
  • You may choose to give on the 1st or 15th of each month. To give online requires a bank card or credit card, but you can choose to send a check monthly or annually if you like.

Join me and Make A Difference.

Thank you for considering!


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