The Business of COVID - Project Veritas Whistleblower, PRS Weighs-In

Occam's Razor: "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity."

Critics often say it's incorrect to interepret it to mean "the simplest explanation is usually the best one." However, I think if you really consider the first original definition you can easily adopt the second. We tend to confuse things and make them complicated when they are not, when they are simple.

This principle is important when analyizing the COVID "pandemic" because the complexity the media and medical community (at-large) want to assign to it muddies things up and hinders understanding and clarity. To me this has been one of, if not the, greatest fraud perpetrated on humanity.

Before we get to the latest whistleblower coming forward to Project Veritas, I'd like to lay out a few things about the "pandemic" -

  • Yes, loved ones have died. I am convinced many of them needlessly. Had all of the available treatments been in the toolbelts of all doctors the numbers would be less (even though the death numbers from COVID are greatly inflated).
  • COVID-19 (and all of its variants) is a coronavirus. There has never been a successful "vaccine" against a coronavirus. The shots used today do not stop or hinder transmission, nor do they prevent you from being sick. The shots are treatments.
    • The FDA changed the definition of "vaccine" in the middle of this pandemic for the reason above.
  • At the onset of COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Fauci proclaimed on 60 Minutes masks were of virtually no use to healthy patients. He said that because decades of studies had determined just that - masks (and only N-95 surgical masks) have very limited effectiveness, if any. He added, masks, "may make you feel better," but that was it. In fact, he stated masks could make things worse. Two weeks later he changed his opinion. Yet, not one legitimate study has been produced to validate use of masks and it was not possible for there to be a useful study in the two weeks it took for him to change his tune.
    • I maintain pressure from the media, government entities, and illiberal politicians were responsible for the change of mind.
  • The death numbers are everything. They drive the fear and subsequent panic. I remember the story of the prosecutor who pleaded with a coroner to change the cause of death of a woman from COVID to actual casue of death by blunt force trauma so he could charge the husband with murder. The fact is deaths from COVID versus with COVID are a fraction of the published number. It matters. A lot.
  • The FDA not only changed the definition of "vaccine" it allowed the Emergency Use Authorization (EUAs) shots. But it could only do so because other treatments were not available. It was a legal requirement for the EUA approval. However, other treatments were available which explains why those treatments, and anyone who prescribed them, were demonized.
    • The makers of the EUAs reaped billions of dollars of government funding and had a mandated monopoly on treatments.
    • Because other treatments were not readily available more patients died.
    • Those same shot producers happened to create a pill which had properties very similar to Ivermectin. More money to the same big Pharma companies while a Nobel Prize winning drug, which has been proven effective in use in countries around the world, sits mostly unused in America.
  • The FDA, in its original approval memo for the EUAs, stated in one small paragraph that there is an unknown potential danger in enhanced antibody dependent vaccines. That is the exact danger warned of, and predicted, by Dr. Robert Malone (and others). It seems to have been proven true by the explosion of variants and new cases (which proves the vaccines are NOT vaccines and do not confer immunity).
  • Meanwhile, the two FDA approved shots - Comirnaty (Pfizer) and SpikeVax (Moderna) - are not in use and have not been distributed to one-single patient in America which means anyone who has been vaccinated in the USA has received, and will receive, an EUA jab. It also means you are allowed, under law, to refuse said shot and it cannot be mandated by any employer. Go to Liberty Counsel for help.
  • COVID has been leveraged by illiberals and the left to manipulate the 2020 election. Ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing, etc. was excused by COVID. It was also used to place controls on your life and livelihood through various mandates.
  • COVID was used by pharmaceutical companies to make billions on vaccines which may not be totally safe.
  • COVID was/is sensationalized by the mainstream media and social media platforms to erode free speech and limit to what "they" determine is acceptable and "they" define as truthful.
  • COVID has been used by school boards and superintendents to harm and, likely, scar our children.

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