Preston's Music Library - Friday Edition! "Rescue" by Lauren Daigle

For a guy with almost no musical skill, I sure love music. There is something so personal about it. However, when you consider that statement through the lens of Christian music about my Lord and Savior, about God, and about how He interacts with my life it moves to another level.

I can get a little misty eyed when I think of songs I sang to my kids when they were babies, but I routinely get leaky when there is a song to or about God which speaks to my life or the life of someone close to me.

This song, "Rescue," by Lauren Daigle is a song which, when I heard it for the very first time, hit me so hard with hope for someone I know and love. Many of you do not reguarly listen to Christian music. You may go to church and flip open a hymnal or hum along to the words and tune on the projector and that is it. You give God no more time to speak to your heart, your spirit, your life through music.

God's music touches a place in us no other music or melody can reach - our spirit.

Maybe you are battling dispair...give this a look and listen. Then say a prayer; He will rescue you.

Remember, God did not always deliver His people from, He often delivers them in.

The lion's den, the fiery furnace, the belly of the fish, the prison...the list is lengthy. These biblical accounts demonstrate the idea - God often rescues in the trial, not necessarily from it.

I hope and pray this blesses you as it does me.

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