1 of 13 Laurel City Hall
2 of 13 A "Pocket Park" is a very innovative way to use an alley.
3 of 13 The Laurel Little Theater. Fans of the show "Hometown Takeover" will likely have a little more insight into the musical selection. My hunch is Erin had something to do with it.
4 of 13 To the left is "The Loft," an outstanding eating venue. Dinner only. Outdoor seating where the flag is, but I would recommend indoor until the weather cools off. Did I mention how good the food was?
5 of 13 This small musical "park" is named after Leontyne Price. Short version - opera singer from Laurel who received the one of longest standing ovations, forty-two minutes, in the history of the Metropolitan Opera in New York. The park has instruments which children (and adults) can play and enjoy. It's across the street from The Loft.
6 of 13 One of many murals around town, across from Leontyne Price Park.
7 of 13 In historic downtown, an area to sit underneath two spectacularly beautiful trees, let the kids play and enjoy the surrounding downtown ambience.
8 of 13 Signage around town marks an era we might have thought has been lost to time. It isn't.
9 of 13 OK, this is simply awesome. The courthouse. Take note of the sign in the lower right. Yes, I had to take a picture.
10 of 13 Adjacent to a huge parking lot is this sign on a screen(?). My guess is this spot becomes a drive-in, grab-your-lawn-chair, movie spot. Just another way to build community.
11 of 13 Every utitlity or municipal box is painted with a mural. Not the only city doing it, but in Laurel it is a theme - make everything a little more pretty to the eye.
12 of 13 Yes, construction is going on in the heart of the Historic Downtown. If you have to fix the water issues you might as well redo the roads. Still, all of it was manageable if you parked in one of the many large lots and walked. It was so easy to get around town.
13 of 13 Thursday's Farmer's Market featured a dyamic young man singing and playing his guitar. They closed off some streets and we came near the end after dinner at The Loft.
Photo: Preston Scott