Let me warn you...if you voted for Joe Biden and you claim to be a Christian this blog and its contents will likely "offend." If you simply voted for Joe because you could not bring yourself to vote for Donald Trump what follows is to your utter and complete shame and one day you will answer for your vote before an almighty, just, and righteous God.
The column that spurred this blog was written in the American Spectator. It's pointed. It is also completely sourced. Try all you want to refute it you cannot because the abortion proponents and "researchers" are proud of what they are doing. Nature.com is sharing all the breakthroughs.
Here's what they are doing.

To be clear feminists, if you want to sleep with the entire football team I really do not care - that's on you. But the moment you become pregnant it becomes society's business because life matters and you are not carrying a bird, a dog, or a cat. You are carry a human being - one with rights. I'd be curious if feminists and "choice" crowd care about all of the young girls being aborted out of convenience or sex bias (apparently girls are aborted more often than boys)? In fact, some studies state 23 million girls have been aborted because boys were preferred. Others say the number is 140 million.
Hello, feminists? Hello? Anyone home?
To circle back where I started...hopefully you took the time to see the first video, at least, and have continued on with the blog. You may have had to deal with what you saw. That was my reaction.
Let me be as clear as clear can be: If you claim to be a Christian you cannot vote for Democrats or be a party member and still claim to be a Christian. Democrats believe killing babies is a right. It is part of their platform. There is no such thing as a "pro-life" Democrat. That's like saying there were pro-integration members of the KKK. God is no respecter of political parties, but He is a respecter of life - He created it. It is NOT my place to judge, it is my place to warn.
It does not mean to leave the Dems and become a member of the GOP. It does mean you must separate yourself from an organization which has cheapened the value of human life.