How Do You Stop A Bad Guy Who Has A Gun?

I think the legacy of Rush Limbaugh is the power which comes from knowledge. Rush, like all of us, would get fired up about some profoundly important issues, but more times than not it was his ability to transmit information which supported conservative ideology which won the day and, over time, converted many doubters into fans.

It explains the evolution of political correctness into the personally attacking cancel culture. Illiberals cannot win the debate - never have, never will. As a result they seek to "cancel" voices with whom they disagree. It is cowardice of the highest order.

It is the modern day equivalent of a pouting child screaming to a classmate or sibling, "Don't look at me!"

The cancel culture is made up of children - literally and figurtively. The good news is there are stories popping up more and more frequently of people and organizations pushing back. My goodness, even HBO's Bill Maher has had enough and is warning of its dangers.

To circle back to where this blog started we need to embrace the importance of commanding the information and being able to engage doubters, skeptics, and even those who disagree because doing so can yield great results.

Watch this young man who works for Prager U head to campus to talk guns.

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