Why I Love America

I may add to this later, but sometimes I think it best to just let you hit "play."

Our country is in trouble. It's in trouble because too many of us fell asleep at the gate and while we napped our values were swapped and our public school system was rigged. Granted, values and education start and end at home, but the condition of "home" has made those topics almost nonexistent.

I remember when President Donald Trump rolled out the campaign line of "Make America Great Again." It led to cowardice filled bullies picking on kids and old people wearing the hat. Sadly, the President never did answer the question: "When was America great?!?"

I have had the answer for nearly four years.

America was never, and will never be, perfect. America was great when it could solve problems. Making America Great Again means finding a way to solve problems with discussion and robust debate. We cannot seem to do that anymore and it's a dog-gone shame.

This weekend, more than any other time in my lifetime, we need to step back and decide whether our nation is worth saving and, if so, what you are going to do to contribute. It may mean ponying up the time to talk the true reason for our founding and a reminder of American greatness, not perfection. Let what follows serve as a discussion starter.

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