WATCH! #Walkaway Founder Confronts Leftist Media at Politicon

"Some of the best evangelists are those who used to live their life for Satan."

Those words are true and some of you can attest to it. I think the same of former illiberals who have been set free from the lies, distortions, venom, and vitriol of the left embodied by the Democrat party - though not all Democrats. The rest have not been awakened to the truth, yet.

Over the weekend, one of the most effective former illiberals, Brandon Straka, founder of the Walkaway Campaign, showed up with others to Politicon 2019. During a media panel event things got interesting when Straka stepped up to challenge the panel. Please note how they began to walk off the stage when he began.

Here's the story.

Come on Democrats, summon your courage and #Walkaway.

Here's the encounter.

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