WATCH! Democrats asked Joe Biden's Career Accomplishments

Let's see, Joe Biden has stated he received a call from Margaret Thatcher complaining about the Trump presidency (of course, she was dead years before); he has claimed to be in Vermont when he was in New Hampshire, discussed the assassination of MLK and Robert Kennedy (his two political idols) which he said occurred in the late 1970's, "we stand for truth, not facts!," and who can forget, "poor kids just aren't as smart as white kids."

Too good to make up. Ahhh-hahahahahaha! But, hey anyone can make mistakes. We're all human. Let's look deeper at the sum of the man's work.

Check out when what happens when Democrats, repeat Dem-O-Crats, are asked to list one, single, solo accomplishment of Joe Biden during his looooooooooong political career.

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