Parkland shooting: Blogger may have found the real smoking "gun"

I have long argued the laws of God do not require our assent. It really does not matter whether we believe in God or not - His laws impact our life. For example the law of sowing and reaping. 

Some call it "karma." It's sowing and reaping.

Remember the movie "Pay It Forward?" It's the law of sowing and reaping. Good yields good on most occasions. It Also requires bad, or no, crops will come of bad seed. The seeds of weeds do not produce vegetables. Yet, the smallest of seeds, a mustard seed, is able to produce incredible yields. Such is God's universe. 

Is it possible what lawmakers, school board members, law enforcement leaders in Broward County sowed into the soil of schools has produced a crop which yielded the Parkland area high school shooter? Is there a likelihood the desire for education grant dollars by local officials created a climate where student misconduct was swept under the rug (or more appropriately boxed away and hidden) in order to keep the funds flowing by rigging the out of school suspension or dismissal numbers? 

While we endure the attack on the 2nd Amendment and the right for you and I to own guns (BTW: we already have gun control...try buying a machine gun), there are issues which ARE contributing to the problem we have with young people and guns...not just mass shooters.

This unnamed blogger may have found the real smoking gun to the Broward County school shooting. Or, to put it another way, the writer may have found the source of the bad seed. 

Remember, from an earlier blog, the 5 Whys? A lot of people, including the Florida Attorney General, are asking, "Why were all of the warning signs of the kid-turned-shooter missed or ignored?" Keep asking why to the answers and you will get some actual causation. 

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